Join us on Sundays @ 10am @ McKinney Christian Academy!
3601 Bois D'Arc Rd, McKinney


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What are Small Groups?

We see small groups as a means for the congregation to shepherd and disciple each other, under the care of pastors (Eph. 4:11-13). We believe small groups help facilitate relationships for mutual edification.

They are not support or counseling groups, and they are not pure study groups. Rather, they are regular gatherings that cultivate spiritual fellowship; a fellowship informed by Scripture and pursued through prayer, study, and reflection.

What do Small Groups do?

Small groups at Christ Redeemer meet weekly in homes throughout our community for fellowship, sermon discussion and application, prayer, and local ministry projects. The last Thursday of the month our small groups come together for a time of church-wide prayer.

Why don't Small Groups meet over the summer?

Every summer, our small groups take a break from meeting and our whole church gathers weekly for corporate prayer. This is a sweet time for strengthening unity and giving encouragement as we spend an evening each week praying for our church, local ministries, and our city. We resume our regular meetings each September.

How can I connect with a Small Group?

If you are interested in visiting one of our small groups, please email for more information.