Join us on Sundays @ 10am @ McKinney Christian Academy!
3601 Bois D'Arc Rd, McKinney


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We provide childcare for ages 1 -11 each Sunday during gathered worship. While children are always welcome in gathered worship, We understand the importance of parents being able to focus during worship. To that end, we strive to provide childcare that is safe, simple, and that puts parents at ease.

What to expect: We will keep your child safe and healthy!


We hold your child’s safety, as well as their spiritual development, in the highest regard. To ensure that your child is receiving sound biblical teaching under the loving guidance of their teacher, in a safe environment, we have implemented the following policies:

  • All people who serve in childcare must successfully complete a background check. At least two volunteers are in a classroom at all times, and each classroom is monitored by our service coordinators throughout the worship service.
  • Our check-in system ensures that kids are released only to the person who checked them in. Our safety team ensures that no one enters the children’s area without a check-in sticker.
  • We maintain the Texas State Childcare recommended safe ratios of kids to teachers.
  • We enforce, to the best of our ability, the childcare standard 24-hour wellness policy.

Upon arrival . . .

We open check-in 15 minutes prior to each service (9:45 AM). Prior to that time, we keep check-in closed to allow our teachers to arrive, set up, and pray over their class.

First-time guests will go to the Kids Check-in Table located on the right side of the foyer as you enter the building. A service coordinator will be available to register your kids and introduce them to their classroom. Returning guests and members will use one of the two self Check-in Kiosks next to the Check-in Table.

At check-in, parents will receive a name tag for each child as well as a single corresponding alpha-numeric check-in sticker. These tags serve two purposes:

Safety: Parents must present their check-in sticker when picking up their child. Children will not be released to any adult without a matching check-in sticker. If you happen to misplace you check-in sticker, speak to a service coordinator at the Kids Check-In Table.

Parent Paging: If a child has an issue requiring a parent’s attention, our service coordinater will send a text to your phone through our check-in system. This system discreetly alerts parents that their assistance is needed.

In the classroom . . .

On Sunday mornings, all kids will be loved and well cared for. Also, kids age three and older will learn a story from the Bible, memorize Scripture, and worship God. Here are specifics:

1 - 3 Year Olds

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We want you to be able to attend service without distraction or worry so you can listen towhat God has to say to you. One strategic goal for children of this age is to help them grow comfortable in the knowledge that they are safe and loved while their parents are out of sight. To this end, we spend as much time as necessary connecting with the children with reassuring words and play, especially at the beginning of class. We have a craft page and coloring sheet for the older children corresponding to a Bible story each week. We like to discuss the Bible story with older  children during play time. We also serve a snack (we serve cheerios). You should find a handout with the Bible story, scripture reference, and main point in your child’s bag each week.

3 - 5 Year Olds


This class is for potty trained 3 year olds to 5 year olds. Our desire is to teach and model what it looks like to love and trust Jesus to the children under our care. At the beginning of class time, the children are encouraged to connect with our volunteers and each other over toys and games. Next, the children sing  songs from Seeds Family Worship and watch a Bible story. If the weather is nice, the class will get some play time in the gated playground. The class will return to their classroom for a snack (we serve goldfish crackers), craft and coloring sheet, and Bible story reinforcement. They'll learn a Bible memory verse and then have supervised playtime until pick-up.


6 -11 Year Olds


6 - 11 year old class is designed to continue the focus on loving and trusting Jesus, as well as learning to love and serve one another. The kids will begin the morning coloring and engaging with the volunteers on the Bible story themes. A fun ice-breaker activity encourages the children to connect with one another and with our volunteers. Next, they will sing songs from Seeds Family Worship and watch a Bible story. The class will then gather for Bible story, games, crafts, and a snack (we serve goldfish crackers). If the weather is nice, the class will get some play time in the gated playground. They'll also learn a Bible memory verse and then play organized games until pick-up.


At pickup . . 

You'll need your Check-In Sticker received at the Check-In Table. Parents will show their tag to the volunteer at the classroom door, who will verify that the numbers match up and release the child to the parent. Upon check-out, parents may receive family resources that are designed to help facilitate discussion at home about the Bible story and memory verse.

IMPORTANT: no one can pick up your child without a matching alpha-numberic check-in sticker. If you misplace your sticker, please see the service coordinator at the Check-In Table.


While we do not currently provide childcare for infants, a cry/nursing room is available for mothers with young children. This room is located just to your right as you enter the sanctuary. We live stream the entire Sunday service to this area.