Join us on Sundays @ 10am @ McKinney Christian Academy!
3601 Bois D'Arc Rd, McKinney


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Christ Redeemer Church is affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention, 9Marks Ministries, and Providence Church.



Southern Baptist Convention - Partnering with the SBC allows our church to participate in the largest Christian missionary organization in the world.  Through the SBC’s Cooperative Program, we help support 5,500+ international missionaries serving in 125+ countries around the world.  We also help support more than 5,000 missionaries serving in the USA and Canada.

9Marks Ministries - 9Marks Ministries’ vision and mission is simple: churches that Screen-Shot-2017-09-23-at-11.55.38-AM-e1506185900626reflect the character of God. Partnering with 9Marks Ministries allows us to help promote the local church as the focal point of God’s plan for displaying His glory to the nations.

8335790_300x300Providence Church - Providence Church, Frisco is our sending church. Providence began in 2005 as a church plant of The Village Church with the support of the Acts 29 network and the Denton Baptist Association. They are faithfully ministering to the community in Frisco as well as continuing to plant like-minded churches in the surrounding area.