Join us on Sundays @ 10am @ McKinney Christian Academy!
3601 Bois D'Arc Rd, McKinney


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Part of being a covenant member at Christ Redeemer is giving financially to fund the mission of the church. If you are not a member, we don’t expect you to give.

It’s usually easiest for members to set up recurring giving. We encourage members to give electronically in order to be consistent givers. Consistent giving allows for more effective and efficient ministry. We also know there are times when you may desire to give more than your regular gift. A one-time gift is a perfect vehicle for that.

If you have any questions about giving at Christ Redeemer or you are a member and would like a copy of the church’s budget, please don’t hesitate to email us at Thank you for supporting the mission of Christ Redeemer!

There are three options to give a tithe or recurring gift at Christ Redeemer:

Recurring Check

Another option to automate your giving is to regularly mail a check. You can do this manually or through an Automatic Bill Pay Service provided by your bank. We have written some sample instructions below for how to set this up. Checks can be mailed to:

PO Box 206
McKinney, TX 75070.

You probably already pay many of your bills through automatic bill pay service.  Including your recurring giving or tithe in your process may be the easiest way to ensure consistent giving.  Below are some sample instructions on how to set this up:

  • Log-in to your online banking. (For example,
  • Select “Bill Pay.”
  • Select “Add Payee.”
  • Enter the applicable information for Christ Redeemer Church.
    The church address is: PO Box 206 McKinney, TX 75070
  • Select “Recurring Payment.” Enter the appropriate dollar amount and frequency.
  • Select “Finish.”
    (Each bank is set-up slightly different. We recommend you contact your bank directly if you need specific instructions.)

Give Online

While it takes a minute to set up, doing a recurring check draft or using a credit/debit card is the most efficient way to give consistently. Just login or create a signup for our church management system (CCB) to setup a recurring gift using a check draft or credit/debit card.

Besides your regular giving, we also allow you to give a one-time gift by credit/debit card. This is useful when you want to give above and beyond, or if you don’t have a CCB login yet.


Give at Church

You may also decide to give at church during a worship service. We have an offering box at the sanctuary exit.