Join us on Sundays @ 10am @ McKinney Christian Academy!
3601 Bois D'Arc Rd, McKinney


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How Do I Become a Member?

Joining Christ Redeemer is a three-step process.


Step One

Attend a Membership Class. We cover the Christ Redeemer statement of faith, church covenant, and what it means to live as a church. This class gives you an opportunity to meet some of our leadership and ask any questions you might have about Christ Redeemer Church.

Upon completion, those who attended the class are able but not obligated to sign up for a membership interview, the second step of the membership process.

Step Two

Meet with a pastor. Here the prospective member meets with a pastor to provide basic biographical information and recount God’s converting work in his or her life. The prospective member will then sign the statement of faith and church covenant, and the application would go to the elders.

Step Three

Be affirmed by the congregation. During our bimonthly Family Meetings, the pastor who conducted the interview briefly describes how the applicants, who are desiring to be admitted to membership, have come to know the Lord. The congregation then affirms the prospective member, officially welcoming them into the fellowship of CRC.

Ready to take that first step? Let us know