Join us on Sundays @ 10am @ McKinney Christian Academy!
3601 Bois D'Arc Rd, McKinney


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September 5, 2015


Speaker: Jordan Stone Series: Genesis Topic: Our God is the Lord of providence Scripture: Genesis 37–50

August 22, 2015


Speaker: Jordan Stone Series: Genesis Topic: Our God is the Lord of blessing Scripture: Genesis 28–33

August 15, 2015

Isaac & Jacob

Speaker: Mark Evans Series: Genesis Topic: Our God is the Lord of Grace Scripture: Genesis 25:19– 27:46

August 8, 2015

Abraham & Isaac

Speaker: Jordan Stone Series: Genesis Topic: Our God is the Lord of Provision Scripture: Genesis 22:1– 25:18

August 1, 2015


Speaker: Jordan Stone Series: Genesis Topic: Our God is the Lord of Protection Scripture: Genesis 20–21

July 25, 2015


Speaker: Jordan Stone Series: Genesis Topic: Our God is the Lord of Justice Scripture: Genesis 18–19

July 18, 2015


Speaker: Jordan Stone Series: Genesis Topic: Our God is the Lord of the Covenant Scripture: Genesis 12–17

July 11, 2015


Speaker: Mark Evans Series: Genesis Topic: Our God is Lord over the Nations Scripture: Genesis 10–11

July 4, 2015


Speaker: Jordan Stone Series: Genesis Topic: Our God is the Lord of Faithfulness Scripture: Genesis 6–9

June 27, 2015

Cain & Abel

Speaker: Jordan Stone Series: Genesis Topic: Our God is Lord over the righteous and unrighteous Scripture: Genesis 4–5

June 20, 2015

The Beginning of the End

Speaker: Jordan Stone Series: Genesis Topic: Our God is Lord over All Scripture: Genesis 1–2