December 27, 2014
Worthy is the Lamb
Speaker: Jordan Stone Series: Stand Alone Sermons Topic: Behold the should thrilling glory of Christ Scripture: Revelation 5
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December 20, 2014
The End of Suffering
Speaker: Jordan Stone Series: Sovereign Suffering Topic: See and Celebrate God's Sovereign Grace Scripture: Job 42:7–17
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December 20, 2014
The Baby King
Speaker: Jordan Stone Series: Stand Alone Sermons Topic: Rejoice in the unimaginable birth of Jesus Scripture: Luke 1:26–38
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December 6, 2014
The Sovereign Speaks Again
Speaker: Jordan Stone Series: Sovereign Suffering Topic: Keeping steadfast in suffering Scripture: Job 40:6– 42:6
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November 29, 2014
The Sovereign Speaks
Speaker: Jordan Stone Series: Sovereign Suffering Topic: Trust in God's Sovereignty Scripture: Job 38:1– 40:5
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November 22, 2014
Suffering with Elihu
Speaker: Jordan Stone Series: Sovereign Suffering Topic: Fearing God in Suffering Scripture: Job 32–37
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November 15, 2014
A Summary of Suffering
Speaker: Clayton Ransom Series: Sovereign Suffering Topic: Suffering Scripture: Job 27–31
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November 8, 2014
Suffering with Eliphaz and Bildad
Speaker: Jordan Stone Series: Sovereign Suffering Topic: God's Sovereignty is a comfort Scripture: Job 22–26
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November 1, 2014
Suffering with Zophar Again
Speaker: Jordan Stone Series: Sovereign Suffering Topic: God is just in suffering Scripture: Job 20–21
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October 25, 2014
Suffering with Bildad Again
Speaker: Jordan Stone Series: Sovereign Suffering Topic: Suffering Scripture: Job 18–19
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Old Testament
- Genesis29
- Exodus29
- Leviticus
- Numbers
- Deuteronomy1
- Joshua3
- Judges
- Ruth7
- 1 Samuel2
- 2 Samuel1
- 1 Kings1
- 2 Kings
- 1 Chronicles
- 2 Chronicles
- Ezra
- Nehemiah1
- Esther
- Job15
- Psalms36
- Proverbs
- Ecclesiastes
- Song of Solomon
- Isaiah6
- Jeremiah
- Lamentations2
- Ezekiel
- Daniel19
- Hosea
- Joel
- Amos
- Obadiah
- Jonah
- Micah
- Nahum
- Habakkuk1
- Zephaniah
- Haggai
- Zechariah15
- Malachi
New Testament
- Matthew24
- Mark3
- Luke22
- John85
- Acts8
- Romans12
- 1 Corinthians8
- 2 Corinthians7
- Galatians2
- Ephesians38
- Philippians33
- Colossians24
- 1 Thessalonians4
- 2 Thessalonians1
- 1 Timothy25
- 2 Timothy12
- Titus1
- Philemon
- Hebrews8
- James5
- 1 Peter5
- 2 Peter4
- 1 John19
- 2 John
- 3 John
- Jude5
- Revelation6
Primary Speakers
Thomas Aly
Andrew Babb
Jesse Barrington
Derek Bass
Nathan Bogue
Charles Boswell
Adam Cravens
Brian Davis
Chuck Davis
Scott Dickson
Mark Evans
Josiah Foster
Jonny Galan
Bryan Glass
David Hemm
Chad Hill
Bill Housley
John Joseph
Bruce Kendrick
Ed Komoszewski
Jared Lawson
Jon Lentz
Arch McIntosh Lead Pastor
Kent Pletcher
Clayton Ransom
Jacob Robbins
Blair Robinson
Ryan Ross
Aaron Snell
Josh Stewart
Jordan Stone
Ryan Tew
Dan Wallace
Tom Weichel
Lyle Wetherston
Jeff Wiesner
John Woodruff
Afshin Ziafat
Matt Boswell
Shai Linne
- A Promise1
- A Christian Greeting1
- A church alive to Christ devotes itself to prayer1
- A faithful church is a fellowship of light1
- A Good Servant1
- A Grieving Savior1
- A Model for Ministry1
- A prayerful church fuels joyful unity1
- A Psalm of Ascent1
- A Single-Focused Heart1
- A Welcoming Church1
- A welcoming church is a loving church1
- Abiding4
- Alive with Christ2
- All lasting transformation comes through conversion1
- Ambassadors1
- An Authentic Church loves one another2
- Anchored Above1
- Anxiety1
- Ascension1
- Assurance in Christ1
- Authentic Christians are passionate about being like Jesus1
- Authentic faith is the treasuring of God above all else1
- Beginning2
- Behold the should thrilling glory of Christ1
- Belief in the risen Christ pleases God1
- Believe1
- Boasting1
- Bread of Life2
- Christian Home1
- Christian joy11
- Christian Maturity1
- Christian Perspective1
- Christianity 1011
- Christmas4
- Church Membership1
- Citizens of Heaven1
- Clothed In Christ 1
- Come and Drink1
- Comfort for the Troubled Heart1
- Communion 1
- Complementarianism1
- Confidence 1
- Contend for the Faith1
- Contentment2
- Continuing in Discipleship1
- Counseling2
- Covenant obedience is the fruit of hope1
- Covenant obedience reveals faith in our covenant Lord1
- Coveting1
- Cross-Centered Peace1
- Deacons2
- Departure1
- Diligence1
- Disciple-Making5
- Do Not Love the World1
- Dying to Self2
- Easter3
- Elders5
- Election3
- Endurance1
- Ephesians1
- Eternity1
- Everlasting Father1
- Everyone Born of God overcomes the World1
- Faith6
- Faithfulness2
- Fall of Man2
- False Teachers2
- Favor1
- Fearing God in Suffering1
- Fellowship1
- Fight against deception through a persevering relationship in Christ1
- Fight The Good Fight1
- Follow3
- For God so Loved the World1
- Forgiveness4
- Freedom from Autonomy1
- From Bad to Worse1
- Fruit of the Spirit1
- Garden1
- Gathering1
- Gathering Around the Word1
- Generous Giving3
- Giving Thanks2
- Glory of God2
- God4
- God cares for His anxious people1
- God delivers His people and defeats their enemies3
- God Fights for His People1
- God honors a church devoted to His Word1
- God is just in suffering1
- God keeps His covenant promises2
- God often fulfills His covenant promises in unexpected ways1
- God requires holy worship from His covenant people1
- God strikes his shepherd to bring His people hope 1
- God test us to increase our trust in Him1
- God's coming king secures our hope1
- God's compassion gives strength to hope1
- God's covenant grace is the power of hope1
- God's covenant is the stronghold for weary sinners1
- God's judgment falls on all those who reject God's truth1
- God's mercy2
- God's promise is the foundation of hope1
- God's redemption comes through God's judgment 1
- God's Sovereignty is a comfort3
- God's truth is worth fighting for 1
- God's Word3
- God's work for his church strengthens hope1
- Godliness1
- Godly Fathers1
- Gospel1
- Grace3
- Greater Works1
- Growing in our understanding of Christ1
- Guard the Gospel5
- Heartfelt obedience is the expectation of hope1
- Hold fast to salvation1
- Holding Fast our Confidence Together1
- Holiness2
- Holy Spirit3
- Honor1
- Honoring Employers 1
- Hope3
- Hope in God's sovereignty brings comfort1
- Hospitality1
- Humility5
- I Was Blind but Now I See1
- Identity in God1
- Jesus52
- Jesus Christ is our only hope1
- Jesus Feeds 50001
- Jesus is Sovereign over death1
- Jesus is the center of faith and fellowship1
- Jesus is the long promised suffering Savior 1
- Jesus Priest and King1
- Jesus rules over death2
- Jesus' coming is the end of hope1
- John the Baptist1
- Joy3
- Joyful Obedience1
- Keeping steadfast in suffering2
- Kindness1
- Kingdom1
- Knowing God leads to obedience and obedience lead to assurance1
- Knowledge of God1
- Lamentation1
- Live in dependence on God1
- Live in Purity3
- Live the Resurrected Life1
- Live to honor others1
- Live to love one another1
- Live to magnify God's name1
- Live to worship God alone1
- Live to worship God truly1
- Living in Exile1
- living in the Spirit means exulting in the truth of Christ1
- Living out the gospel1
- Living Water1
- Love for the family of Christ3
- Marriage2
- Martin Luther1
- Men & Women in the Church1
- Merciful Shattering1
- Mercy1
- Mission of the Church5
- More of Christ, Less of me1
- New Life1
- New Man2
- Only the Lamb's blood can save you from sin1
- Our God is Lord over All1
- Our God is Lord over the Nations1
- Our God is Lord over the righteous and unrighteous1
- Our God is the Lord of blessing1
- Our God is the Lord of Faithfulness1
- Our God is the Lord of Grace1
- Our God is the Lord of Justice1
- Our God is the Lord of Protection1
- Our God is the Lord of providence1
- Our God is the Lord of Provision1
- Our God is the Lord of the Covenant1
- Our Inheritance1
- Our King is on His Throne1
- Passover1
- Peace2
- Pentecost1
- Persecution1
- Persevere in God's Word of Grace1
- Praise God2
- Praise God for the Resurrection1
- Praise to God2
- Prayer13
- Prayer for knowledge and understanding1
- Preaching1
- Promise3
- Reasons why Jesus came1
- Rebuke1
- Reconciliation2
- Recovering Our Love1
- Redeeming Your Time1
- Redemption12
- Rejoice in Contentment1
- Rejoice in the unimaginable birth of Jesus1
- Remember the glorious gospel2
- Repentance2
- Repentance is the way to hope1
- Rest in the Redeemer1
- Resurrection4
- Riches1
- Sacrificial generosity is the overflow of Christian joy1
- Saints in heaven live to sing praise to God1
- Salt & Light1
- Salvation7
- Sanctity1
- Satisfaction in Jesus2
- See and Celebrate God's Sovereign Grace 1
- Seeing is Believing 1
- Seek Glory from God1
- Sent Out To Usher In2
- Serving1
- Set Your Mind on Things Above2
- Sin1
- Sing of God's mercy in salvation1
- Singing1
- Singing to the Lord prepares us for testing by the Lord1
- Sovereignty15
- Sowing1
- Spirit-Filled Home5
- Spiritual Gifts2
- Spiritual Warfare3
- Stand Firm1
- Steadfast Love1
- Submission to Jesus is the attitude of hope1
- Suffering10
- Taking God at His Word1
- Temple1
- Temptation2
- The Call of Christ 1
- The Character of God compels the Church of God1
- The Christian's Influence1
- The Church4
- The Glory of God1
- The Good Life1
- The Good Shepherd2
- The Gospel5
- The Holy Spirit is God's power for hope1
- The Law1
- The Lord is My Shepherd1
- The Name of the Lord Yahweh1
- The Power In Weakness1
- The Race1
- The Resurrection3
- The Seed1
- The Sin of Partiality1
- The Truth Will Set You Free1
- The Way of the Righteous1
- The Word Became Flesh1
- The Word of God2
- Trials2
- Trinity1
- True Ministry1
- True Religion1
- Trust in God's Sovereignty2
- Truth1
- Under God's Cloud1
- Unfolding the Promise1
- Unity4
- Vocation & Christianity1
- Waiting1
- Walk with God2
- Warring With Worldliness1
- Watch Your Life1
- Water to Wine1
- Widows2
- Wisdom2
- witness and new birth1
- Work of God1
- Worship7
- Yahweh1
- You Were Dead1