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Sermons from 2015

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December 26, 2015

A Singing Church

Speaker: Jordan Stone Series: Stand Alone Sermons Topic: Saints in heaven live to sing praise to God Scripture: Revelation 4

December 19, 2015

The Sword of the Lord

Speaker: Jordan Stone Series: Stand Alone Sermons Topic: Jesus is the long promised suffering Savior Scripture: Luke 2:21–35

December 12, 2015

Rejoice in Giving

Speaker: Jordan Stone Series: Philippians Topic: Sacrificial generosity is the overflow of Christian joy Scripture: Philippians 4:14–23

December 5, 2015

Rejoicing in Contentment

Speaker: Mark Evans Series: Philippians Topic: Rejoice in Contentment Scripture: Philippians 4:10–13

November 28, 2015

Rejoicing in Peace

Speaker: Jordan Stone Series: Philippians Topic: Christian joy Scripture: Philippians 4:1–9

November 21, 2015

Rejoicing in Heaven

Speaker: Jordan Stone Series: Philippians Topic: Christian joy Scripture: Philippians 3:12–21

November 14, 2015

Rejoicing in Knowing

Speaker: Jordan Stone Series: Philippians Topic: Christian joy Scripture: Philippians 3:1–11

November 7, 2015

Rejoice in Imitation

Speaker: Jordan Stone Series: Philippians Topic: Christian joy Scripture: Philippians 2:19–30

October 31, 2015

The Life and Legacy of Martin Luther

Speaker: Jordan Stone Series: Stand Alone Sermons Topic: Martin Luther Scripture: Romans 1:16–17

October 24, 2015

Rejoicing in Salvation

Speaker: Jacob Robbins Series: Philippians Topic: Christian joy Scripture: Philippians 2:12–18

October 17, 2015

Rejoicing in Jesus

Speaker: Jordan Stone Series: Philippians Topic: Christian joy Scripture: Philippians 2:5–11

October 10, 2015

Rejoicing in Life

Speaker: Jordan Stone Series: Philippians Topic: Christian joy Scripture: Philippians 1:27–30

October 10, 2015

Rejoicing in Unity

Speaker: Jordan Stone Series: Philippians Topic: Christian joy Scripture: Philippians 2:1–4

September 26, 2015

Rejoicing in Death

Speaker: Mark Evans Series: Philippians Topic: Christian joy Scripture: Philippians 1:19–26

September 12, 2015

Rejoicing in Partnership

Speaker: Jordan Stone Series: Philippians Topic: Christian joy Scripture: Philippians 1:1–11

September 5, 2015


Speaker: Jordan Stone Series: Genesis Topic: Our God is the Lord of providence Scripture: Genesis 37–50

August 22, 2015


Speaker: Jordan Stone Series: Genesis Topic: Our God is the Lord of blessing Scripture: Genesis 28–33

August 15, 2015

Isaac & Jacob

Speaker: Mark Evans Series: Genesis Topic: Our God is the Lord of Grace Scripture: Genesis 25:19– 27:46

August 8, 2015

Abraham & Isaac

Speaker: Jordan Stone Series: Genesis Topic: Our God is the Lord of Provision Scripture: Genesis 22:1– 25:18

August 1, 2015


Speaker: Jordan Stone Series: Genesis Topic: Our God is the Lord of Protection Scripture: Genesis 20–21

July 25, 2015


Speaker: Jordan Stone Series: Genesis Topic: Our God is the Lord of Justice Scripture: Genesis 18–19

July 18, 2015


Speaker: Jordan Stone Series: Genesis Topic: Our God is the Lord of the Covenant Scripture: Genesis 12–17

July 11, 2015


Speaker: Mark Evans Series: Genesis Topic: Our God is Lord over the Nations Scripture: Genesis 10–11

July 4, 2015


Speaker: Jordan Stone Series: Genesis Topic: Our God is the Lord of Faithfulness Scripture: Genesis 6–9

June 27, 2015

Cain & Abel

Speaker: Jordan Stone Series: Genesis Topic: Our God is Lord over the righteous and unrighteous Scripture: Genesis 4–5

June 20, 2015

The Beginning of the End

Speaker: Jordan Stone Series: Genesis Topic: Our God is Lord over All Scripture: Genesis 1–2

June 13, 2015

In the Beginning

June 6, 2015

A Welcoming Church

Speaker: Mark Evans Series: Things We Want to Be True Topic: Hospitality Scripture: Acts 16:33–34

May 25, 2015

Disciple-Making and Faith

Speaker: Mark Evans Series: Disciple-Making and the Gospel Topic: Disciple-Making Scripture: Romans 3:25

May 16, 2015

Disciple-Making and Jesus

Speaker: Jordan Stone Series: Disciple-Making and the Gospel Topic: Disciple-Making Scripture: Romans 3:24–25

May 9, 2015

Disciple-Making and Sin

Speaker: Jordan Stone Series: Disciple-Making and the Gospel Topic: Disciple-Making Scripture: Romans 3:23

April 25, 2015

The Pattern of Ministry

Speaker: Jordan Stone Series: Stand Alone Sermons Topic: God honors a church devoted to His Word Scripture: Acts 6:1–7

April 18, 2015

The Love of Assurance

Speaker: Jordan Stone Series: The Book of 1 John Topic: Assurance in Christ Scripture: 1 John 5:13–21

April 11, 2015

The Love of Life

Speaker: Jordan Stone Series: The Book of 1 John Topic: Taking God at His Word Scripture: 1 John 5:6–12

April 4, 2015

The Dead Will Walk Again

Speaker: Jordan Stone Series: Stand Alone Sermons Topic: Jesus is Sovereign over death Scripture: John 11:1–44

March 28, 2015

The Love of Obedience

Speaker: Mark Evans Series: The Book of 1 John Topic: Everyone Born of God overcomes the World Scripture: 1 John 5:1–5

March 21, 2015

The Love of Abiding

Speaker: Jordan Stone Series: The Book of 1 John Topic: Abiding Scripture: 1 John 4:13–21

March 14, 2015

The Love of God

Speaker: Jordan Stone Series: The Book of 1 John Topic: An Authentic Church loves one another Scripture: 1 John 4:7–12

February 21, 2015

The Light of Righteousness

Speaker: Jordan Stone Series: The Book of 1 John Topic: Authentic Christians are passionate about being like Jesus Scripture: 1 John 2:28– 3:10

February 7, 2015

The Light of Eternity

Speaker: Jordan Stone Series: The Book of 1 John Topic: Authentic faith is the treasuring of God above all else Scripture: 1 John 2:15–17

January 31, 2015

The Light of Love

Speaker: Jordan Stone Series: The Book of 1 John Topic: Love for the family of Christ Scripture: 1 John 2:7–14

January 17, 2015

The Light of God

Speaker: Jordan Stone Series: The Book of 1 John Topic: A faithful church is a fellowship of light Scripture: 1 John 1:1–5

January 10, 2015

A Message of Light

Speaker: Jordan Stone Series: The Book of 1 John Topic: Jesus is the center of faith and fellowship Scripture: 1 John 1:1–4

January 3, 2015

A Praying Church

Speaker: Jordan Stone Series: Things We Want to Be True Topic: A prayerful church fuels joyful unity Scripture: Romans 15:30–33